Jonathan Taylor Thomas

Cover art
That is some surprisingly violent, badass cover art for a Coldplay album. I haven't heard anything from the album, but I assume that the art is misleading. It would make a better cover for a metal album.

Is "Kid A" the greatest album ever? It may be. Too soon to tell? Probably. We'll just have to see.

Wasn't that the vampire in "Salem's Lot?" Is that what's next? Vampires? Really, though, I'm intrigued.

Yeah right
Yeeeeah right. Get real.

What's wrong with Myspace's music player? It has never worked on my computer. When's the newer, better internet music site going to come out? Once it does, I'm there.

Dieter was pretty funny, too. Marv Albert was his father.

Neil young
This movie has one of the greatest scores I've heard, enough to make me want to buy it separately. However, I've heard it's not worth it, as most of it is Johnny Depp reading William Blake poems. Is it, indeed, worth picking up? Is there anywhere I could just get the music?

Correct me if I'm wrong,
but the contestant has already been asked and has answered the questions, so he knows what's coming? So what's the fucking point?

I'm with you, parklifer, except for me the awesome song is "Come In Alone." To me, Loveless sounds merely pretty good and not the transcendent experience so many others find it to be.

R. Kelly can't go to jail
Because then we'll never know how "Trapped in the Closet" turns out!

oh man
Hopefully, "The Boondock Saints" will receive the evisceration it deserves. One of the worst movies I have ever seen, and totally undeserving of the cult it has. If I was some meathead frat boy, I would watch "Fight Club" over and over again. At least that movie has some redeeming values. "The Boondock Saints"

Where's Banmar? Somebody has to defend associates of Bon Jovi!

Muppet treasure island
That is an underrated movie. It definitely deserves a place in the New Cult Canon, along with "The Master of Disguise."

I shot him
withe the tiny revolver I keep in my balls.

has never failed to hurt my feelings. Why do I have to watch Sebastian Bach pretend to be an alcoholic? Why do I have to watch a show that isn't even videos of celebrity inanity, just pictures? Why is Hulk Hogan's daughter's chin so pointy? What the fuck did I ever do to you, VH1?

What happens to Diddy deferred?

camel teeth
One of the performers I really regret never getting a chance to see is James Brown. Youtube will have to satiate my hunger for knee-drops and mind-bogglingly fast spins while James Brown is in Heaven getting high on God.

Mine too. I once snuck watching it when I stayed home from school, and I was so repulsed by what I saw I never tried to watch it again.

I don't know, the one guy has a toy gun. That might be a little attempt at humor.

People actually like the songs Kim Gordon sings? How?