Jonathan Taylor Thomas

My friend's dad
was Dave Attell's roommate about 25 years ago. He said that all he did was watch TV.

I don't like when sentences end in "people," as in "use proper grammar, people!" I could claim I find it annoying because it's redundant, but really it's just irrational hatred.

I don't like when sentences end in "people," as in "use proper grammar, people!" I could claim I find it annoying because it's redundant, but really it's just irrational hatred.

Steve Vai
Has that guy ever done anything that didn't make him seem like an asshole? Look at those glasses, look at that soul patch. I'm embarrassed for him.

Golden Compass
He should have directed that movie.

They use Bill Braskey' s foreskin as a tarp at Yankee Stadium when it rains!

I just saw Shat last night!

I just saw Shat last night!

After seeing this movie, all good Catholics should go to confession. Of course, none them saw it, so they don't have to.

I'm in a band called Preferably Tapioca. I think that's a terrible name, but if Pudding is good, then maybe it's not so bad?

A lot of my favorite music comes out of Nebraska, and Saddle Creek's Slowdown place seems really cool, so don't feel inferior, CMU.

I'm just kidding. I live in Oklahoma.

Liz's Family
Where are they from? Minnesota? Ohio? Here in New York, it's hard to distinguish one Midwesterner from another.

This movie sucks, but
K-Pax is worse. Does anyone remember that movie? I wish I didn't.

The Indie Rock Universe
I had the misfortune of seeing the editorial, and if I was in one of these bands, I would be more pissed about being associated with that than the ad.

Bradford Cox
If by "hot" you mean "disturbing," then I agree with you.

Hipster Douchebag?
Why does everyone hate Pitchfork so much? They like all the things you like. They're also not much more snobby than A/V Club.