
Her deadpan correction of every single thing the others say about her gets me every time.

He was probably cold, too, so we have that.

Wonderful 101 is great and, sadly, forgotten and stranded on an unloved console. It's also, like, three times as long as the average Platinum game.

David Cross also does a voice in the terrible Curious George movie, where our hero conspires with other scientists to trick people to come to a museum by faking an archaeological artifact. The movie ends when they realize that what museums really need to inspire and enrich people are pseudo-educational rides and

Really, is this any worse than Legends of Tomorrow?

Actually it's Frankenstein's Monster Trucks.

Rereading Morrison's run, I was surprised how often The Pearls showed up.

Or even Miller's Batman metanarrative vs Morrison's Batman metanarrative (especially with Arkham Asylum).

Alpha Protocol is one of my favorite gaaaaaaaaames!

Hong Kong is good, but not as good as Dragonfall. Still a worthy follow-up though.

Pizza? Never heard of it!

I would give a lot to hear what Kanye and Trump, of all people, said about "supporting teachers and modernizing curriculums."

If you play Risk: Legacy like you would Risk, you will lose hard. It is an extremely aggressive game and some of our matches lasted 20 minutes.

I love that, for as cool as he looks, he goes out like a chump, beaten by accident by a blind man.

I thought the Palladino's were setting up Rory's taking over of the Gazette as an opportunity to redeem herself and show what she could accomplish if she focused. But nope, it was another opportunity dropped on her lap and wasted due to her lack of creativity and drive.

A remake of Double Impact.

BvS is so incoherent from moment to moment that I'm not surprised that David Goyer wrote it.

(Extremely Snake Voice) The La Li Lu Le Lo?

I've been playing the Metal Gears I missed this year, and it's like MGS4 and MGS5 aren't even made by the same person. Where's the Diamond Dog that has to poop all the time? Why am I playing more than I'm watching?

I would watch Sutton Foster paint a fence, so yay for the musical.