
Really? Good Lord!

I played the SNES Ninja Turtles game for the first time in 20 years with my son and we beat it in half an hour, so yeah, 15 hours is pretty good.

Jess McKenna was I think my favorite guest this year. She killed that ep.

Maybe its just me, but for me, the solo bolos are getting, uh, a little self-indulgent.

Racial integration… no that's not right, isn't it.

Just chill…about my salary vs. my screen time.

Whoa, really? That's so Lucas.

I remember it being pretty great. The story felt really epic, covering multiple POV characters and time periods.

One of my college professors did the storyboards for the Darabont script. He said it was way better than the one that made the cut.

It does make sense. Book Marlowe would never do what Gould Marlowe does, but that doesn't diminish either book or movie.

Unlike those Guy Pierce toys that were flying off the shelves.

No, he played Cyclops in the X-Men movies, dummy!

However, I think this sexually assaulting white women thing will be enough to finish him off in Mormon circles. Of course, these people are going to vote for Evan McMullin instead, not Hillary.

As a liberal Mormon, I have to say that I think most Mormons have more of a problem with how he swears and likes Playboy and is gross than how he's racist and sexist and an admitted rapist.

Alien even stole the name Ridley from Metroid!

It's so good. It's my "cheer me up when I'm depressed" movie.

I think, in a way, I always knew.

It what now?

Um…leg disabled?

One of the hardest times I've ever laughed is the (extra-long?) episode with Conan O'Brien where Space Ghost followed an ant back to his home for 99% of it, threatening it the entire time.