
I like Spider-Man 3. It's a comic-book movie in pure form, like Hellboy 2. Eddie Brock doesn't really work, but I love the dancing stuff that gets all the hate. It's fun!

"This Beach House song will change your life."

Stop sending Bothans!

Yeah, I've gone through this twice with Amy Acker now. My poor heart can't take it.

Vanquish, too.

More people need to see this post. It is very, very good.

32 miles of hell!

No way, use Nick Denton, actual Hulk Hogan villain and real life Ted DiBiase!

Maybe not the right forum, but the new Monster Factories with the Boy Mayor of Second Life have nearly killed me with comedy stylings.

I stopped listening really early on, but I came back with the Manzoukis episode, which was fantastic, and the Jon Hamm and Open Mike Eagle episodes have been so great that I am fully back on board.

I really liked the Witcher games, so I've been going through the Witcher books, and I like them too! I just finished Blood of Elves, and I'm happy to report minimal cringe-y misogyny, something I was concerned about. But the women, Yennifer especially, are powerful, in charge, and sex-positive in a way that makes it

Could HOVE!

Titor also claimed to be a Castleton alumnus.

Sent to drain.

Who cares about Nancy Drew? That's a property you can do anything with.

Super successful horror movies make, like, $80 million BO. That wouldn't cover Civil War's helmet chinstrap budget.

Ha ha, I, without seeing this post, wrote the exact same thing about Colleen.

Was Sue the one always going off about tapioca? That's what I remember most. Well, that and Colleen being cute as a button.

Can't blame 'em for being funny.

Not Heartbeat!!! Even with the Hollywood Handbook bump from it being in the Teaser Freezer!