
Hellboy 2 is the best superhero movie. Come at me!

With everyone pairing up and marrying off, I think the New Girl writers are also assuming that next season will be their last.

The lead.

Reminds me of a really funny line from an article on PUAs on Jezebel: "Pickup artists are like sandwich artists, except much, much less likely to have a foot-long".

I think that's because Groening was never a big part of why the Simpsons were good.

Its the only thing that explains Piers Morgan and Ricky Gervais.

Ha, that was the first cassette I ever bought.

What's your jokestyle?

Uhh, I'm rich.

Yeah, that's more accurate.

Yeah, he's the only one that chooses forgiveness, and I found that really powerful.

Red Harvest is my go-to demonstration of this. Man, that book is brutal.

Barry's dumb, but Harrison isn't supposed to be.

Rifftrax Live was pretty fun. Not as great as the original, but it would be hard to step around all of the old jokes in favor of all new ones.

The only thing I remember from the Divergent sequel (not even the name!) is a scene where Jai Courtney is running really fast after our "heroes". They hold on him for a weirdly long amount of time, and boy is he really booking. Then they cut to Miles Teller doing a light jog, and it feels like Jai would have lapped

Ahh, I love how the Personas form as you are choosing your attacks!

Naoto, Chie, and Nanako as the detectives chasing down the Phantom Thief!

SMT4: Final changed Hama and Mudo to regular damage elements instead of instant kills. Maybe P5 is doing the same?

MBMBAM is the best place to start. The Adventure Zone is really great, even if you're not into D&D. Honestly I would start working down the list at mcelroyshows.com from the top.