
I don't know how anyone wouldn't end up with Chie. Persona 3 is a little tougher. Mitsuru and Aigis are both acceptable answers.

Its gotten where half of the media I consume is McElroy-created.

I spent all of Human Revolution developing my silent but nonlethal take-down skills. Which made it impossible for me to save Malik when her VTOL was shot down. That one stuck with me because it made my decision not to kill have real mechanical consequences. I couldn't just reload and try something different,


His brain has to be able to process information much more quickly, too, or he'd splat into a wall anytime he ran over 200mph. His speed-reading comes with the drawback that it's all short-term memory; it doesn't last long in his brain.

My kids were the same way. They just don't have a 30-year investment in Han Solo like I do. And that's fine! They'll have that with Rey and Finn, and in 30 years when they're killed off my kids will be sad too.

But what's a Tim Conway?

Thank you! I always felt that way about "Whatever Happened…". It begins with Bizarro committing suicide, has Jimmy Olsen and Lana Lang sacrifice themselves to save Superman, and ends with Clark smiling and winking to the audience.

That happened to me the first time fighting Gore Magala in Monster Hunter 4. I got so thoroughly beaten that I was sure this was a mandatory loss, until I remembered that I was playing Monster Hunter and that doesn't happen.

Spec Ops: The Line had a sequence where you had to launch White Phosphorus at a huge encampment between you and your goal. It leads to some haunting civilian deaths. I remember people being upset that you couldn't just fight your way through the massive army. Which, to be fair, you kinda were doing the entire game

Wasn't Pete going to die in the bank explosion anyway? Not that this would preclude Nance coming back if he were still alive.

Thank you!

A 14-year-old once told me that was his favorite movie.

I really like Mark Kozelek's cover of it, too.

Is it the two Christian Baleses? Hot.

Heynong, man!

They had me at Maria!

I hate "Moves Like Jagger", the least Mick Jagger-y song that has ever been written.

More Cushing for the pushing.

A ballpoint banana!