
Not to be that guy, but I think it's now established that Gotham, Metropolis, and New York City are right next to each other in the DC Universe. In Morrison's Seven Soldiers, New York is called the "Cinderella City" because it's always in the shadow of its two ugly stepsisters.

Well, he's still a mass-murderer, so I'm guessing he's not going to be on the side of the angels for too long.

*Future ex-Mrs. Malcolm beat me to it by half an hour!*

"S-sometimes when I freestyle, I lose confidence."


Nah, they'll just keep pretending that Trump is Obama's fault, or that he's actually a liberal, or any of the other things to avoid the harsh truth that Trump is the end result of their way of thinking. Soon enough, they'll come around, because what they like more than anything is winning.

But that makes it more expensive!

Poor Routh has to work with such a wet blanket of a character, but he's really giving it his all. I feel bad for him.

Miller is the only one on that show that gets it, you know?

I've watched this movie half a dozen times and still laughed out loud when Lam apologetically puts the knife back in. I think I could watch this and Shaolin Soccer forever and still find it just as funny.

Both played by Gemberling!

Jeffrey Characterwheaties has an Andy Kaufman-esque commitment to his character work.

Always a good sign!

Oh, I'm on your side here.

Dude, you're the one escalating here.


Ha, I never realized First Strike and Supercop were Police Story sequels, even though I own all of them! Some fan I am…

It's okay. I think most of us eventually realized it wasn't your fault. You were in the wrong place in the wrong time.

Joel, Trace, Bill, and Frank were all at the Salt Lake City Comic Con, and even when they did a panel together you could tell it was Joel and then everybody else.

Luckily, there's no Reed Richards in the MCU that can make a Thor clone that kills one of the few black superheroes.