

10 years ago we had Steve God, Bob Grits, and Johnny Gravy. Now we have no God, no Grits, and no Gravy!

The story of Jonah is great. A message of tolerance and acceptance! In the Old Testament! No wonder most Christians ignore that part to focus on the big fish.

I took the WB studio tour a few weeks ago, and I saw Richard Gilmore's funeral portrait in an open storage room. Edward Herrmann confirmed! Oh, I made myself sad.

The new CBB with Maxwell Keeper was like Omar: the best Epp.

That school teacher was a pain…
So cute though.

He did! But only Mackey could see him.

That was the point I realized that the writer's idea of Locke and the actual Locke were different. And it never got any better.

How much could Iain M. Banks squat?

Look for the album with me on the cover!

GOB: Way to go, Stein-burg!

We saw her ghost, but considering the level of retcon at play in this new season, anything goes I guess.

Yeah, Ender suffers from the guilt from that decision for the rest of his life, and spends the next few books trying to change what he did. The war is explicitly caused by a misunderstanding and the Hive Queen is a sympathetic victim of human Othering. I think the Card of Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead would

Haha, that's great! Comics are great.

I hope you're right. They screwed him pretty bad with the New 52.

The DCAU's pairing of Wonder Woman and Batman is such a great idea that I'm not surprised that the comics ignore it completely for this nonsensical WW/Superman thing.

Paul Rust looks the most like me of anyone who has ever been on TV.

Dang it, I meant Reeve.

1. Spit Curl
2. Circus strongman
3. Lois
4. Social justice avenger/boy scout
5. Kryptonite
6. Big extended family (even Comet the Superhorse!)
7. Which one is the closest to All-Star?
8. Who wouldn't say Reeves?

This is what money is for, people!