
DKR's Batman vs. Superman fight works because Miller's Superman is a stooge and a bit of a dum-dum. He's clearly uncomfortable with what the US is asking him to do, but doesn't know how to stop. Batman's beatdown actually wakes him up a bit and gives him some agency. They both end up in a better place because of

The initial concept was Morrison's, too.

Pile of Bullets!

Sounds like theaters should show this in a double feature with Grave of the Fireflies. The cognitive dissonance will pop some heads.

His episode of Go Bayside! is great if you haven't heard it. It's also great if you have heard it.

Look at the faces in the last example!


Paul! You is a warwilf!

Phillip Jeffries got messed up, man.

I really like Kozelek's cover of Space Travel is Boring.

Why isn't Tundra/Desert ever mentioned when talking about Long Drive? I think it's one of their best!

Ah, Pistol isn't so bad.


Tim Blake Nelson is pretty terrible in this. I feel like he's taking a very broadly sketched character as written and making him the most broadly sketched character ever through performance. I can't even deal with him.

Man, I hope not. That's super depressing.

In that way it's like the modern day What Am I Thinking?

Ah, the Loveable Lads from Liverpool.

You were right. I did laugh. The Secret works!

Ugh, that book.

You suck, Rich Little.