
Definitely more of a showcase for Claudia than Nick. And Tiny and Victor are GOAT.

Is that the husband in the floor? Is that who she's talking to when she's down there in the video?

Man, I had to tap out like 5 minutes into this.

I still use the Zune Player on Win7 because my 1st gen Zune refuses to die. It feels like a weird ghost town a lot of the time but it still updates with new albums and podcasts somehow.

I identify so hard with Quentin that it makes me angry when people think he's a jerk. That means I'm a jerk!

His "Book Reading Contest" with Cheney was such an obvious "look, he's actually smart!" ploy that they should still be embarrassed about it.

Uh, It's a Wonderful Life is a very funny movie. Its sincerity in no way diminishes its sense of humor or its underlying darkness.

I didn't recognize the Ninth Doctor as the bad guy in Thor 2, so I guess it doesn't matter who plays the bad guy in these movies.

And Mongul is a cut rate Thanos, which makes him a copy of a copy!

Have you read Seaguy? I'd say Stewart has been on the Morrison wavelength from the beginning.

I just want my kids back!

Oh, man, that idea is so good it hurts. Who would be in a Doom-led Fantastic Four? Does Valeria still have Susan's power set?

No more Wandas.

In a world full of great Kirby ideas, that is my favorite Kirby idea.

My nuts?

I don't even know anymore!

The Hayden Panettiere-ium?

The best Adomian impression is his Huell Howser. The CBB where he discovers the Large Hadron Collider and the infinite Californias is the funniest thing I've ever heard. Or when we find out that the "California's Gold" he's looking for is actual gold.


I went to a matinee of Big Fish because I had to write a paper about a movie for a film class. I was one of four people in the theater, which was good because apparently I have some deap-seated daddy issues. I cried for pretty much the entire second half of the movie. I kept thinking that I had to get it together