
Uh, Hank, you've turned evil in two separate future timelines. Let's maybe have someone else come up with the plans from now on.

As one of the (apparently) 8 people in the whole world who thinks about Cyclops, yes, I did too.

You know, that line could have worked if they had actually made paintball cool again, instead of a confusingly shot mess of bad special effects and nonsensical story.

I seeing double! Four faulknersters!

Triple entendre!

Yeah, one of the cut scenes is Han begging Jabba (or a burly, fur-wearing Irish stand-in) for more time, Sean!. #itsallconnected

Firebert, you stay here and think of a better Commando name!

Sam Vimes is my favorite fictional character of all time, but I couldn't agree with you more about Snuff. So much potential to get the proverbial Vimes fish out of the water, but quickly ignored to put him right back in. And I liked the Beast a lot more when it was just a representation of the ruthless side he

I've gotten a booster pack once since they started that whole thing. What's up with that?

I am a sucker for Gene Shalit jokes!

HR Giger shows up on the Superego podcast from time to time, too. You would probably like it. What does the HR stand for? Hey, Really Giger.

I hope he stays on this show forever.

Yes, it was his past-nastification.

It was exactly his Mark Twain impression from a Season 1 Superego. You may know him as Samuel Foghorn Clemens.

Classic Doyle!

There's still one near my hometown in Wyoming.

Their first ep was probably my favorite of 2013. I gotta have more Lon Smudge! (The man, not the product).

Virtue's Last Reward is so great. Even if you have to use a guide to get through the rooms, I would recommend it, although once you get into the game's headspace the puzzles aren't too bad. Heads up though: it took me about 30 hours to finish.

I thought a lot of the plot points were too similar to the 2nd paintball game, such as Shirley Island and Pierce's safe zone. It kept throwing me out of the story.

Kerry Washington or Nicole Beharie as Sue Storm! I like it!