
It wasn't a very good spaceship re: cosmic ray shielding.

Because I am under onus to him, I will watch the hell out of this.

In 1991, my parents were getting Christmas ready in our basement near my room.
As I was already hip to the Santa thing, I thought they wouldn't mind if I went in and talked to them. So I went out without putting on my glasses first. They got upset because they thought I had seen the new SNES they had bought, but I

Cool beans.

I would add Hot Rod to that list, a movie I didn't enjoy the first time I saw it, but then became one of my favorites after a second viewing.

If you're gonna steal, steal from the best!

I'm just gonna ask this here, like you're all my own personal Gamefaqs. I'm stuck in Anor Londo with no humanity and I CANNOT beat Smaugh and Ornstein alone. Where is the closest place to farm humanity?


I find Into Darkness's mixed message infuriating. They had a good concept early on with the "we're explorers, not warriors" thing, but then you can't end the movie with our hero chasing down and ruthlessly beating the hell out of a guy. That's what warriors do!

Don't. Don't do this.

Can Brendon Small come in to CBB every three weeks from now on?

Boy I hope this movie isn't dour!

You've changed, Liz.

Ohhh, I get it. Like her outsized personality.

That's because she's TV's Lauren Lapkus!

I had a dream the other night (about Agents of SHIELD of all things!) where Agent Ward had been Gamma radiated and could turn into a little Hulk. I only mention this because I guess my subconscious agrees with you.

You've said to everyone? That's a large data set!

I totally thought he died in Iron Man the first time I saw it.

The mannequin that could never leave the store with out becoming inanimate. Even as a child I realized the stark, existential horror of that.

No, because she thought they were real. She didn’t know they were
puppets. Can you imagine? And they couldn’t get her to stop crying.
Horrible, just horrible.