
Do you see what you should be doing, DC? Do you see it?

Bob Johnson! No, wait…

Because Daisy is Luigi's canonical girlfriend (maybe even because of this movie!)

Not to support a nujob homophobe like Card, but I don't think Vishnevetsky's assessment of Ender as a victim is entirely fair. SPOILERS….

G vs. E was great! I think it was actually paired up with the War Next Door when it was on USA. It did move to Sci-Fi for its 2nd season, was renamed Good vs. Evil, and was ignominiously cancelled.

Ooh, how about the short-lived USA series from the Pete & Pete guys, The War Next Door? Starring Stu the Busdriver as a supervillain and Johnny Cage from the Mortal Kombat movie as the secret agent assigned to stop him. Every episode one of them would die, Spy vs. Spy style. Teenage me thought it was great.

I read that Lucas recently said this at some presentation he was giving. It must really bother him that the best Star Wars is the one he had the least involvement with.

I'm afraid to try the Reverse Iron Man.

I thought it was easily the best Iron Man. Is this not the accepted position?

Don't forget the Nabisco Boys!

The Poopsmith.

I have Reynold and Gunhaver from the Cheat Commandos sitting on my monitor!

Ugh, the only episode of Adventure Time I deeply dislike.  Wasn't that a J-Moyns episode?  Wha' happened?

@avclub-500e75a036dc2d7d2fec5da1b71d36cc:disqus  George Lucas mentions on the DVD box set extras that he was going through a difficult divorce at the time, and that's the reason Temple is so dark.


But minus a million for that weird nipple-dress Ashley was sporting.

Hmm… I love Damien, but don't care for Kubert's art.  And he's writing it too? 

Same here.  I like my Riddler a crook but not a murderer, an egotist but not a psychopath.  Batman has more than enough murderer psychopaths in his gallery.

That, sadly, is the ABC House Style.

You just got Phil-abusted!