
I don't want Coop to be trapped in the Lodge for 20 years, that's why!

Look at mistake, Michael!

And Ferris is so mean to that nice Cameron kid!  Find better friends, Cameron!

Also she was great in Doctor Who.

Carrion makes the lights go out!

Can I say that I think I see what you did there? But I'm not sure?

Well said.


And make a movie out of it!

I want to see what Zach Braff thinks is better to teach kids than traditional curriculum!

My only real experience has been with Obsidan's Project Eternity game, with its nearly weekly update into every facet of the game design process.  I guess that's why Obsidian is a real game studio and most of the other guys aren't.

If only Stan Lee had written 50 Shades of Grey!

That's my favorite Miyazaki movie.

It's like Goethe, but with lots more crunching!

I thought that restaurant becoming the "Neighborhood Toilet" was a genuinely good idea, although of course taken two or three steps too far.

You're a horrible racist.  Mole people are productive, hard working members of society.  Their underground nation is beset with racial strife and bureaucratic corruption.  They've burrowed their way topside to make a better life for their families.

Have you ever been in a threesome?

Which I thought was the perfect way to play it.  She was delightful for the minute or so she was on screen.

It was definitely dirty.  Finn blushed after she said that.