
I No-prized that it's zero-sum; you have to take away from one to give it to another.

Weren't they showing full-length movies in that little window by the end?  I'm sure that's the preferred format in which to watch Live Free or Die Hard.

@avclub-19b1e8d29a0f4d71a95a48a7123d0502:disqus It's worth less than nothing!

And so funny on Comedy Bang Bang that it's almost unfair that she's also that beautiful.

Timing how long he could spin his engagement ring, then bringing a physicist in with a low-friction material to beat his record.

"Five of Ratings"?  That's dumb.

I'm starting to get the impression that Christian Bale is sort of a dick.

I bet Victoria Jackson's quaking in her boots right now.

I want a girl with Up Top ingots and a Down Belowwwwwwwww… Jacket.


Obviously it's like in Banjo-Kazooie where when they need to go fast they switch places and now grandma's on the cheetah's back.  And when they need to be racist, back to the grandma.

As soon as possible.

Maybe he just had Hulu's trailers channel on loop in his theater room and got confused.

That sounds a lot like my real-life poverty.

Aren't Parademons more or less animals anyway? Or am I being racist?

Does this have anything to do with how he adopted a 17-year old girl just so he could take her on tour and have sex with her? No? Then why did I bring it up?

Or if you have the Blackrock sword.

He did both the woodpile and the NO warning at the 1st live CBB in Park City.  That may have been the transition point between the two.  This sort of thing is very important to me.

3rd Planet and Gravity Rides Everything from The Moon and Antarctica is my all-time favorite one-two punch.

Can we hope to see an appearance by the Washington Monugents?