
I have a hard time keeping what Rooney Mara looks like in my head.  Every time I see a picture of her, I'm like, "Who's that pretty lady?"


I guess that's why you have to see a movie before you can review it.

I guess that's why you have to see a movie before you can review it.

Chocobo from Kosovo is my favorite Merle Haggard album.

Chocobo from Kosovo is my favorite Merle Haggard album.

@avclub-7fe30f83b8e5444c948077a061740793:disqus You'll have to wait for the Army of Darkness remake to get that quote.

@avclub-7fe30f83b8e5444c948077a061740793:disqus You'll have to wait for the Army of Darkness remake to get that quote.

Scott's just taking cues from our greatest living rapper, Gary Marshall.

Scott's just taking cues from our greatest living rapper, Gary Marshall.

He wears Bro like a thin veil.

He wears Bro like a thin veil.

Jack's bar plays the best music that no bar would actually play because who plays depressing songs in a bar?

Jack's bar plays the best music that no bar would actually play because who plays depressing songs in a bar?

Ooh, I can do this!  First you want to kill the remake, now you want to kiss it.  Blow.

I'm a fan of Jesse Moynihan and Forming, but I can't stand the animation in "Crystals Have Power".

I'm a fan of Jesse Moynihan and Forming, but I can't stand the animation in "Crystals Have Power".

Hey, I remember when you were wrestling as "Oz" in the WWF, friend, so maybe you shouldn't be throwing stones.

Hey, I remember when you were wrestling as "Oz" in the WWF, friend, so maybe you shouldn't be throwing stones.

I prefer the theory that it's Jake's brother Jermaine.