the crypt keeper

*steps into comment section*

It's a rare condition, this day and age
To read any good news on the newspaper page

"Use your words, Mr. James, not your blimps."

The intro always makes me wish this show wasn't… this show. I love the camp and silliness of AHS, but the intro belongs on a legitimately scary horror series.

Oh man, Bump In The Night. I always loved claymation/stop motion, ever since Nightmare Before Christmas. Bump In The Night really fed that fascination for me.

I demand recompense! And a sandwich!

Ahh, gotcha. I misunderstood the premise and thought they just had to be on the 94 Billboard period.

40%. Probably would have had a bit more if I didn't keep mixing up Salt-N-Pepa with TLC.

"Interesting name, 'Live. Die. Repeat.'. How did your family come by it?"

How in the wide, wide world of sports do you screw up "Alison Brie as Sarah Michelle Gellar"? You don't even need a script! Just a camera, a costume, and Alison Brie, and boom, instant legions of horny geeks wildly applauding with their free hand.

Since my "Huell" account has been destroyed by Disqus and its endless failures at basic competence, I have to use my rather inappropriate-to-the-conversation gimmick account. So yeah, thanks, Disqus.

Hey now, you're stepping in my SCARE-itory!

I've never been a fan of CHOKE-a Cola in any of its forms. Or Pepsi, for that matter. Give me a root FEAR or a GORE-ange soda any day.

I guess he just wouldn't HACK it here! Perhaps he'll BEHEADED elsewhere!

Hopefully I won't outSLAY my welcome too quickly!

I'd happily take the job,,, I can be a real CUT-up in interviews! However, I'd prefer the To-KNIFE Show!

Ah, just had to go to the main Disqus site. And the pic is perfect, cheers!

I went a-DEAD and did it myself!