
The porn cult classic "Cockbuster Video Store."

The fact that the store is in Hawaii is also appropriate. THANKS OBAMA!

Let's not forget about the hobo who picks up that $2K Startocaster, plugs it into Twin Reverb and plays two fucking hours of 12-bars blues.

What part of "ProGun-13" don't you understand?

This is pretty cool, but I can't tell if Wayne Coyne is being serious or he's just fucking with us.

And they are all forwards from Sarah Jessica Parker.

Is this a David Vitter biopic?

Maybe he should team up with Daniel Tosh and start a new channel, "Bromedy Central."

Thanks, but I'll hold off for "Halmet 2."

Wasn't the last Bourne movie bad enough?

Get off Harrison Ford's spaceship!

Aw…still butthurt about my comments on "Reflektor"?

What else did you expect from a guy whose nose looks a dick?

Sounds excellent. Now if you could just start by telling us how you REALLY feel about James Taylor.

What makes "Sprawl II" a steaming pile? I don't know; I'm torn between the canned Fruity Loops disco beats and the off-key, shrieking vocals that so perfectly match the inane, soulless lyrics.

Liberty U.

Rolling Stone agrees.

I'll take cash, credit card or paypal.

4 years ago, Butler and his wife took a class in electronic music and then wrote that third-rate nu-disco steaming pile called "Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)." Now, 3 years later, it's beyond obvious that are still trying to capitalize on their new-found mainstream fame by basically making an album that

This is the worst Talking Heads cover band, ever. Not sure what the fuzz is all about.