
The viewing audience isn't as dumb as the writer's think and/or expect. It's happened on other shows, numerous times. That's just one of the reasons why there is SO much turnover in television, today.

I thought it was great reading and writing, until I read the end line. But, I understand this movie is not for everyone. What HAS come from it is this, though. Depp says that this is his favorite role, but that was before he did a few animated voice roles.

I saw this at a local Blockbuster for $1.99 and I thought I couldn't go wrong for two dollars. WTF?

It was the early 80's and I was a projectionist at a multiplex. Great job, if you can get it! I remember the first time I saw Caligula. I didn't want to be the projectionist for the showings (we only had it for a week), for fear of being arrested. I remember seeing the audience number dwindle during the week, not to

I know Zucker wants to expand a bit, having been in the comedy universe for so long. BUT, when you see a Jerry Zucker film, you usually expect a top notch comedy. Sure, he directed Ghost, which was good, but when he says the comment, "I shouldn't have been the person to direct a movie about the Camelot legend," do you

Having seen most of the original TV movies when they aired, and what CBS did to the series… It's no wonder you haven't seen these ever rebroadcast. I think Roundtree is embarassed they exist. I would be!!!

Younger people won't respect Dallas because they weren't alive when it was a phenomenon. Those who do remember the original will watch the first episode, if nothing for the memories of seeing Hagman in the Stetson. The big question is how much air time will the older cast get compared to the younger cast. Of course,

Although Tom Cruise has essentially played the same role for almost 30 years, there are a few roles, like Magnolia, Eyes Wide Shut and The Outsiders where he's not cast as "the prick". I guess you could say Mission Impossible series, but he does get major points for doing Emmanuelle Beart and Thandie Newton, at least

I've always wondered about SJP and Broderick. Hollywood's odd couple.

His speaking Russian in Moscow on the Hudson was the initial reason I learned how to speak Russian.

Having been a disk jockey on the radio, I've had a chance to meet my share of "morning men" and each one has told me that he thought that Robin Williams' performance in GMV was excellent. In fact, I've heard people steal from him, just like he steals from others.

Robin has done SO many good things, but unfortunately those are counter-balanced by some of the really atrocious work. For example, for every Good Morning Vietnam, there is a Patch Adams. However, he did have just about everyone on the edge of their seats in 2002, the year he released Insomnia and One Hour Photo.

Blame the alcohol, not the cocaine.

Some of these classifications are just spot on. There are some actors and actresses whose ouevres aren't the greatest. I loved the comments about Cruise and Sandler, but wasn't so happy about the ones for Anna Paquin and Robin Williams.

Apparently Jerry Hall was a bedmate of Ferry's before Mick Jagger's. She's on the cover of Siren, which is my personal favorite. I remember thinking that Eno was an alien from the planet Zog, or something like that.

And, TSAM used a lot of his earlier material. Richman always reminded me of a guy who would be beaten up by someone wearing a pencil protector in high school. Now THAT's sad looking.

I'll always remember the poster inside my copy of Son of Schmilsson. When I moved, the record store had the same poster. I felt it was karma. Hey, it was the 70's!!

For me, it was Monty Python's The Meaning of Life, which we watched on a VHS down at the ocean during the summer. My parents hadn't seen anything so disgusting (especially Mr. Creosote) in their lives. However, even my Mother laughed during the song "Every Sperm is Sacred." Meanwhile, my father couldn't stop laughing

It's quite interesting that just about all of the shows here are from the 90s or from the 00s, meaning television didn't have subplots before then, right?