I kill you scum

Fuck this. I instinctively clicked the nav bar to see the film section and it took me to the food section. This site does not need a food section, and it definitely shouldn't get top-billing, even if it is new.

Still not sure who that Albert Schweitzer guy is but his name is burned into my brain.

Hermine knocked my power out and I forgot to charge my 3DS, so it looks like I'll be playing card games.

Well he's already got similar levels of Denzel, he just needs to use him in a worthwhile movie. Give me Tony Scott's lesser Denzel movies over The Equalizer any day. And give me Man on Fire over Training Day any day!

I liked it, but I haven't seen it since I 2001 (when I was 15) and I think I frequently mix it up with the Wayne Brady Chappelle's Show sketch when remembering it fondly.

Fuqua has been coasting off the success of Training Day for 15 years. Every film he's directed since then has been mediocre at best.

As much as I wanted to get excited about the rollicking good time of a Chris Pratt & Denzel Washington version of The Magnificent Seven, as soon as I saw "directed by Antoine Fuqua" I had to lower my expectations dramatically. I just don't think he makes very good movies.

Game That Tune theorizes about the goings-on inside of George Lucas' house, since it was the inspiration for a certain video game mansion in which you can harm small animals. There's also a lightning round of "Was this movie made into a video game?". http://gamethattune.com/pos…

Camp Nowhere! Take away the whole caper element (running away from your parents to have the best summer ever and blowing money on crazy crap) and it captures the spirit of listlessly doing whatever for the summer that I remember as a kid.

What's the opposite of everything Joe Buck does? Because that's the answer to the question.

I still don't get how Game That Tune isn't on the Podmass radar, but oh well. This week's episode is the first round of the August head-to-head tournament, and the music is pretty damn great. There's also a lightning round that tests your knowledge of Donkey Kong's family tree. http://gamethattune.com/pos…

It's the origin story of the "Extract the Wandering Mother Base Soldiers" side-ops from MGSV that no one knew they wanted.

Street Fighter X Tekken was a spectacular failure. I wanted to like it so much, but it was a hot hot mess. I thought maybe they'd have some fun with Tekken X Street Fighter, but that just ended up being Akuma in Tekken 7, huh?

I'm interested in joining. There's always room in life for more fantasy football.

Between the layout, camera, that thing that looks like a wind-up dustpan that chases you and throws you to your death, and forgetting to jump into the level at the right time to slow down the platforms, it truly was a nightmare. It was eventually a fun Mario Kart track though.

2 albums that I haven't listened to very much since I overplayed them in high school:

I'm a big fan of music from the Virtua Fighter series, moreso than the actual series, so here's Jeffrey's Theme from Fighters Megamix! https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Once you wise up a little bit and realize that there's very little in Super Mario 64 that requires speed and precision, you begin to assess the area before running headlong into the action and choose the camera that works the best.

Game That Tune is all about music from 1991, which was an awesome year for gaming, and this episode has some great nonsense in it.

Game That Tune had a free play edition this week, so they talked about how to be a vegan in the Pokemon world, and who to cast as the Tetris blocks in the upcoming Tetris movies. Also they eventually played the entire PokeRap.