
Besides the third film, the Yates ones have been my favorites, which is surprising seeing how much I despised the 5th book when I read it.
Harry just turns into a little emo bitch, but in the film it's centered on the DA and all of them working together, instead of focusing on Harry's moodiness to provide the

My sister just had a Harry Potter themed birthday party where she made everyone come dressed up, renamed ALL the refreshments with HP references, and handed out glow stick 'wands' to people who correctly answered trivia questions.

I read this when I was in middle school and it 'like, totally spoke to me' but then I reread it last year and I realized what an ass-hat Charlie was, which then lead me to remember that I what an ass hat I was at that age.
This book is just one of those things that only ONLY makes sense when you're in that young,

I'm an old fart in a younger body.
I even knit sometimes.
Harry Potter is just about the only thing my generation is 'supposed' to like that I actually do/did like. In high school I'd take Lovecraft over Twilight any day. I wish the best for Watson and the rest of the HP cast.
No matter how talented/untalented they

Harry vs. Charlie
Honestly, even when I read this my freshman year of high school—target audience right?— I STILL thought Harry Potter was a more believable protagonist, so I kinda see this as a step down for Emma. At least the shitty emo kid in that series could do magic.

Avatar: The Last Airbender Movie
I'm a really big fan of the show Avatar: The Last Airbender (not the movie about the smurf aliens that's out now) and the live action adaptation comes out in July.