
I have the same problem, Aqualad. Love, love, love he character, but if there was a guy in a cape and cowl leaping off rooftops and beating the shit out of muggers in Chicago, we wouldn't call him a hero; we'd assume he was mentally ill.

Well, she is adorable…

And when Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is a magic xylophone or something? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder!

As long as we're choosing dead actors… Klaus Kinski as Killer Moth!

See also: Dead Man Walking. I was really hoping for some corpse-as-marionette action.

Ernest Borgnine as Your Mom!

Can't Stop The Music?
Three pages in and nobody's mentioned the original cut of the Steven Gutenberd / Village People musical Can't Stop The Music? It had full frontal male nudity, yet received a PG rating.

This one doesn't include a ridiculously impossible cherry blossom rhythm mini-game that makes you throw the controller across the room and never play the game again (I hope).

My fiancee dressed up as Mrs. White for Halloween this year. I was The Stranger (from The Big Lebowski).

If you want to get technical about it, the "raptors" from Jurassic Park were closer in size to Deinonychus. However, J.C. could be holding either a juvenile Deinonychus or Velociraptor in that picture.

It's pretty unwatchable.

Yeah, I was really hoping Millennium would come up. It's what happens when a sort-of-clever idea gets turned into a terrible, terrible movie. It would make a great MYOF entry.

"old people doing things old people shouldn't be doing is inherently entertaining"

They tried a Spaceballs animated series. It didn't do very well, either. Mostly because it was terrible.


But aren't the all?

The Alexing: Also, if the DeLorean only runs on gasoline, that severely limits the eras Doc Brown can visit (without being stranded). Unless he brought plenty of extra gas witnessing the signing of The Declaration Of Independence or The Birth Of Christ (his two examples) and coming back safely would be impossible.

I second that recommendation for the 42nd Street Forever collections. I watched the first one at a friend's house a few weeks ago and have been aching to pick the rest of them up ever since.

Save it for Queen Dopplepopolis!

How To Have A Mother Who's A Big, Fat Whore.