

Yes, there's no weirdness to it at all. It's a really good show, I recommend that you watch it.

Yes, Neegan called him Prick.

I will say that the show has set some pieces on the board that could make for a new direction. Rick and Co. not only have to deal with being… well, vassals… to Neegan. The season trailers have shown "The Kingdom". There's Hilltop, an ally?… frenemy? There's more groups out there. It could be interesting to see

Neegan is a higher level boss. Like in a video game.

I guess people were shocked because two people got beaten to death by Neegan, instead of just one?

I hope something happens on Westworld. It's moving pretty slow. The episodes can be summarized as such:

Apparently this episode as well. The Dunkette knew ahead of time, but I refused to let her tell me.

They did exactly that, I'm sure.

It must have worked at least once.

Ooooo. What do they taste like? Concentrated cheese powder?

Two kids set a fire in my middle school. The library was destroyed.

And make hundreds of millions of dollars for doing so.

I buy books with intent to read them. Then many of them end up as decoration.

Yeah, I can't see Donald Trump carrying a golf bag with a stereo in it and blasting Journey.


I find gmail to be wholly inappropriate for a business setting. I loathe it. We switched from Microsoft Outlook a year or two ago, and I despise this.

No, but I had one of Sir Lancelot's "horse" telling him "… message for you sir" after being shot by an arrow.

Eleven years… yeah, lightning quick.

Other pieces with Billy Bush by himself have been equally offensive. So, really, NBC is only firing him because of the fact that this tape is tied to the campaign.