

That's why you're the judge and I'm the law-talkin'-guy!

This makes me think of the episode of The Office where Oscar rants about Angela's picture of two babies holding saxophones.

I don't know how. It got pretty hairy there.

Interesting. Google Translate says, "[FATAL ERROR]" when I enter that.

Why does a mohel need a shop?

Perfect avatar-comment synergy there.

Only to fit it into the Batmobile.

Is this going to be a recurring thing now?

Or Ireland.

Eh. It's not music that tore them apart, but their own personalities and personal bullshit that did it.

Who the fuck knows who would be running the government if Trump gets elected? It could be just about anyone.

At least it's right about me. Liberal.

This is an emoticon: :-)


"we could focus on an interesting character for a change"

"The ones that take their kids to an R-rated movie called Sausage Party and then complain when there are swears."

What a stupid thing to insist upon.

Have you publicly declared? Also, do you and the movie live in one of the few states that recognize common law marriages?