
And the kittens were available at any house that had kittens.

Funky Winkerbean reference out of nowhere.

The change in attitude between Sansa's conversation with Jon on the night before the battle and the morning confrontation with Ramsay suggest to me that she knew he was near.

They would have made it a battle anyway for plot reasons, because a siege (by far the most common tactic against a stronghold in the medieval period) isn't very interesting to watch.

And vice versa.

I'm sure that next week we'll see that she knew he was coming.

"In order to claim your FREE tickets, you must pay a small processing fee of $32.50 per ticket. Thank you for your continued business!"

Listen to the rest of that album. There's lots of gems on it.

Aw, I miss Loud.


And in the US.

Well, considering that if you type a search query into the address bar of most browsers, it's easy to see how people can get them confused.

Haha, Altavista. I loved that episode.

Totes adorbs?

No majority. The election goes to the Senate. I think.

He sure did kill those birds in his wedding cake!

He looked to be wearing his normal outfit, which appears to have armor underneath.

Most definitely. He has to return to Westeros.

Perhaps Ramsay wants to kill Rickon at the start of the battle, just to see if it drives Jon Snow mad and makes him make mistakes in the battle.

This makes me want to read the books so much now. I'm going to go buy copies now.