
Carol did. And good on her.

I read that as "bearded hairnet". I was both reassured and somehow disappointed to be wrong.

Hell, a garbage truck with a claw that picks up the zombies in clumps and tosses them into the bin. I would sit thru a commercial to watch that.

"an egotist with a hilariously inflated view of her own importance"
Or, you know, an egotist :-)

@avclub-52ed1f89cb6f846e8efba0e4eacf9c27:disqus mistake vs. choice is one of my pet peeves.

Turn on a light.

Dude, you got Chirs-Krolled.

What's your stance on chewing gum on line, Hedy?

One of the all-time great mystery writers, if not the greatest - right there with Elmore Leonard and John D. MacDonald. I haven't had the nerve to try any of the posthumous titles - the disappointment could be fatal.

Ay yi yi yi,
I am the Frito Bandito.
I love Fritos Corn Chips,
I love them, I do.
I love Fritos Corn Chips,
I'll take them from you.

Fuckin' Mac Nazi.

grandmasterb - what I got was that mainstream film "culture" includes a strong element of spoonfeeding the audience what is good and what is evil. There's usually not a lot of moral ambiguity in a movie that makes $300M. So one aspect of "counterculture" might be to introduce that ambiguity. But the general perception

I've read his script. He really hasn't given his father much to do besides complain about how he's "too old for this shit."

Troll, troll, troll in ze hay!

No shit. I'll never understand the Stone's (self-applied) title "World's Greatest Rock N Roll Band"

There is no Brian Johnson era.

Frankly, I think HDB's shtick deserves the occasional prop. He could have written "Girls I've known who've gotten breast implants have let me squeeze them" - the "always" is a nice touch.

Except that:

Scruffylove - you enjoyed the movie or his quizzical expression?