
"I’ve never felt that I really get the whole joke of Jerry—he’s a nice, gentle-spirited man who always does his best and is quick to do favors for people, and who has a happy home life with his beautiful wife and daughters, all of which is supposed to make it hilarious that the people he works with all think he’s a

So, I guess if we learned nothing else tonight, we can definitively conclude that Moria hasn't been killing time at home in the mansion watching Parenthood. Good lord.

"And, at episode’s end, Oliver also decides he no longer wants to be
called the Hood—a literal rejection of the killings he committed under
that name—so Diggle asks him what he wants to be called now. The obvious
answer, and one that I couldn’t help myself whispering at the screen,
is "Green Arrow.'"

So, in a major departure, I'm actually going to post about something in Phil's review. Sorry.

Not that the grades really mean anything, but how come the season only gets s C+ when only 3 episodes all year sunk that low (1 C and 2 C+'s). Every other episode was a B- or better. I know this is meant as a grade on how the whole season hung together and all, but still …

OK, Todd. But if this doesn't eventually lead to a Mr. Green Jeans sex tape, I'm gonna be even more pissed.

I never assumed it was anything but intentionally bad, but that doesn't change the fact that the joke has (way over) run its course. If, however, it does somehow become a published novel, I promise to gouge out my eyes to honor the death of published fiction.

Honestly, I stopped reading most of it weeks ago. I bring it up only because to criticize the artistic output of others while foisting something this bad off on (even a very limited subset of) the public smacks of hypocrisy.

I agree. If SCDP didn't resign Jaguar, they were probably going to get fired anyhow. And as far as Don doing it without consulting his "partners" let's not forget that his partners were engineering a public stock offering of the company without even telling him, let alone getting his input. To me, the biggest problem

Seriously, Todd. Enough with the fucking Frank Fisticuffs. As bad as this episode was, it's really hard to give any credibility to the complaints of someone who would purposely dump dreck this bad into the interwebs. It's not funny. It's not profound. It's, I dunno, pretty much as pointless and time-wasting as Smash

And …. in the ultimate irony, this lengthy post criticizes something (anything?) else as being "junior high shit." Ah well, I guess they always do say to writes about whats you know.

And …. in the ultimate irony, this lengthy post criticizes something (anything?) else as being "junior high shit." Ah well, I guess they always do say to writes about whats you know.

I think it has more to do with the business end-game. They want to do an hour-long season finale to wrap up all the loose ends that have accumulated during the season, plus do their annual end-of-season vacation trip. BUT, for syndication purposes, they want to break into two convenient 30-minute episodes. I've

But if you look at the argument in a broader sense — when you go to someone's home you eat what they serve — it does, to me at least, hold up when applied to vegans. All too many vegans seem to just exude a sense of smug, superiority that suggests that must be the staple of their diet. I make the effort to cater to

"and the other is snarky woman-hating asshat who seems to loathe the genre television beat he's on"

I don't think we were ever meant to believe that Joel hadn't been working at all for the past several years, just not as intensely as he is now. And from the looks of the job he's working on now, he's banking serious money. I mean it looks like the guy has about 50 employees/subcontractors working on his site. You

For a while, Kraft did sell the powdered cheeze that they package with their signature mac 'n' cheese in small canisters, ostensibly for sprinkling on popcorn to create cheddar corn. But it was pretty tasty straight from the can, too (or so I've been told).

Agree. It's really not that uncommon for co-workers at different levels to hook up. She seems to be the initiator, and unless he uses a threat against her job as leverage for something, no harm, no foul. As for Ryan treating her badly in the past, I never viewed it as being "mean" per se. I always thought it was more

Maybe I just wasn't in the mood for it, but this episode really made me not care that much whether or not Happy Endings gets picked up or not. I was late coming to the show and it certainly has a "zany" charm, but when I spend the better part of the show cringing over the behavior of the characters, that just doesn't

Point taken. However, I think it's worth noting that Berkeley (this is set in Berkeley, right), like most of California is actually built around old fashioned towns. Sure the people who live up in the hills might have a little bit of property, but it isn't suburban in the same way that a lot of places are. My guess is