
I have more of an issue with Todd's constant equivocation. The title of the article is "Why a Community resurrection is extraordinarily unlikely – though not impossible" for christ's sake. All his articles would be half the length if he just stuck to a position.

I think the new design is an enormous improvement –everything much easier to find, and it simply looks a lot better. Plus, before the site was nearly unusable on an iPhone, but works beautifully now, so I find myself visiting a lot more. (An example: if I search for "Homeland" the first result has a tag I can click

Todd, Homeland is currently 96/100 on Metacritic. You like the show LESS than most other critics. Get out of your bubble, man.

Todd, Homeland is currently 96/100 on Metacritic. You like the show LESS than most other critics. Get out of your bubble, man.

BTW, I'm from New Zealand where this episode just aired (hence the late reply), and dodgeball was banned at my school 20 years ago. So it's not crazy to me.

Todd, I think you need to give up on this show. This season, it's done exactly what you wanted, which is be far more structured, continuing plotlines over multiple episodes, and acknowledging and building upon past character arcs. And you're still not happy. Your nitpicking really is getting ridiculous – "But I find