Baby Gerald

I have to agree. I expected a more OCRA/OCRB type style, white [maybe green if you want to go all 'let's play a game' on them] on a black background. That sans boldface type was a little extravagant for something barely functional.

She could have used Wingdings and made them translate it.

I'm definitely not convinced that Elias is dead. He got hit in that magic part of the shoulder where on TV at least, characters generally survive. That said, it looked like a pretty potent rifle that sniper was using, which could account for the immense shock that would cause Elias' eyes to roll and his expression

Brilliant. This show just gets better with each passing week. Mark Hamill simply killed it, but everyone was totally on point. The reveal to Eddie was great, his reaction was perfect. The action scenes were superb. 'I am your father', indeed.

That's a good point. It was a little too obvious to simply deem it a casual aside. It sort of dangled out there for no reason. I thought, 'he's the captain- he doesn't have to explain to anybody in that room why he's eating a burger at his desk.'

I want this Pied Piper:

I honestly think this show has the potential to be revolutionary in a way that Colbert couldn't because of the urgency of the topics it will address. I am excited to see Mr. Wilmore's show develop its own identity and expect that they will tweak it over the opening weeks and refine it into yet another successful Daily

Excellent call on Rian Johnson. Brick is one of my all-time favorites and his episode of Breaking Bad called 'The Fly' blew me away, as well.

I was missing your comments here, qbert— glad to see you back in the mix. It's been a damn fine season so far and the incorporation of the Eternal Vigilance tangent has been one of the most impressive new additions, for sure.

Superb review again, qbert— I look forward to next season and the skew from the usual that we've enjoyed up to this point, as well as your follow-ups.

'Guess the medevac crew was having a real good lunch there on the pad. 
Car crashes off the freeway, a armed man and woman crawl out and proceed
to take their helicopter.'

You're sort of doing yourself a disservice by ignoring the first season entirely.  The first episode is an excellent place to begin.  There are a couple kinda throwaway procedural episodes in there after that, but even these are laced with development of the larger network of stories involving the Machine, Reese's

What more can I say? A great episode and a daring one, at that. This was the one for the longtime fans, the one we've been looking forward to since 'Relevance'. Since I'm a little late to the discussion, there is little for me to add other than saying that it sure would be nice to see Zoe come in and save the

I thought I remembered hearing about polonium poisoning before:

Yeah, I can see where you're coming from.  It is definitely visible the strain this putting on her.  Thanks for reminding me of those past flashbacks to her service years.  They wouldn't have bothered to insert those scenes unless it was to underscore her ethical fortitude.  Well acted by Henson, absolutely.  And I

Distraught or not, it kind of riled me, too.  It just seems out of character.  And for Carter to cry about Fusco's corruption is a bit hypocritical since all that's gone down with her and her new friends over the past season and three quarters.  She knows firsthand how to bend rules and make evidence disappear, so

I really liked this week's episode, even if there were a couple of clunky parts that I thought could have been handled a bit more smoothly.  Definitely better than the C grade it received here, anyway.  I gave it a B-plus.

Good point, drdarke— and one that I am slapping my head for overlooking.  Of course the Machine had tagged Shaw and Cole as in danger.  Why else would Reese be on the scene at the set-up?