
Ironically it appears they were in something together.

I just rewatched a show Capaldi did with Hugh Laurie on Amazon where Capaldi spent most of an episode in a leather biker get-up with bright yellow socks. Anything's possible costume-wise.

Agree, and I'm a straight young woman. Add in that he can actually act and you've got something.

You get the friggen' Wet 'N Wild at I-10 in Anthony, exit 0. Not I-25 but close enough.

Exactly. I don't remember ever doing anything more than saying "American" in a convincing accent and then it was off to the magical land of tequila, Corona buckets, and penicillin.

Having lived on the border for more years than I'd like to remember, I can't think of many instances of the Feds intervening on anything beyond drug busts at checkpoints or at known houses (and I lived near one of those stash houses and remember that raid all too well). If I'm correct when I was there the EP FBI field

The day I left El Paso the Times had a front page story about a guy who threw burritos at UTEP basketball games. Don't expect any sophistication from them.