
You're not!

Fiery Furnaces records are a little like Pynchon as musical theater, what with all the characters and purposeful obscurity/complexity + silliness. Obviously not nearly as good, but still.

Yeah, avoid Bitter Tea for the ugly keyboard sounds and excessive backwards vocals and hit Blueberry Boat (starting with Straight Street if it seems impenetrable).

Their last, I'm Going Away, is actually TOO listenable. Sounds like some bare-bones 70s pop-rock. Still pretty enjoyable.

Having met Rollins this past August, I can assure you that he's less of a dick than everybody thinks he is. He just likes to do his thing on camera.

Yeah, just passed up the opportunity to see the man today.

Megaupload is the way to go for TV shows.

This is false. A "wow wow this was so great" review is less useful than one that expresses reasonable qualms about a movie that rode in on a wave of mainly positive hype. I appreciate warnings of empty quirk.

All in all, it's a pretty reasonable movie to call your favorite (or one of them).

Calling Singin' In the Rain straight "bad" shows a bit of a lack of perspective… even if the comedy falls flat for yeh, you've gotta appreciate the dancing, staging, etc.

Having heard a really shitty rip of it, it's got some pretty crazy stuff on it…

Seems like kind of a drag
considering it's the show to pop Ms. Caplan's starring vehicle cherry.

De gustibus non disputandum est, Spike. I respect all y'all who dig her physical aspect and she plays her excellently written character excellently.

Yeah, I get the au pair thing 'cos Pete's obviously a rapist (look at his eyes!).

No excuses Pete, you sneaky bastard.


(Whereas, apologies to Miss Moss, but Fred Armisen can definitely keep 'er. Mad homely.)

I think the reasoning here is that Betty finally breaks off from Don this season, so she's slightly less of a human handbag.

Dillwyn, Virginia
…is a funny little railroad town where the biggest landmark is a brick building with an old Purina Chows ad on the front. As a matter of context, the nearest larger town is named Farmville.

That said, the movie was less painful than I feared it would be. Then again, I was expecting a cinematic kidney stone.