We say it like this: "Chicagoans"
We say it like this: "Chicagoans"
I'm not sure your interpretation is right, either, though. I thought it had more to do with the way the guys are superstitious about the Shiva (Kevin whispering "she can see you" at the last minute cinches that for me). I think Ruxin is worried that if he renounces Shiva, she/it will forsake him.
What should critics do when reviewing comedy, in your view, then? Write "I laughed and I liked it" or "I didn't laugh and I didn't like it"? Or just list the jokes they thought were funny?
Matt Forte should have a weird cameo in EVERY show, as far as I'm concerned. Because of Handsomeness.
I have a suggestion about the rewatch/review project currently underway: could we make it a practice to post a link to the comment in this thread with the new review in the comments of the official review for the relevant episode? I really love the idea of this project, but, personally, I find this huge thread really…
That's the tip of the iceberg, as far as crazy shit Joe Rogan is into. He's a weird, weird dude.
I was just rewatching "The Bubble"—it's Leslie's mom who likes McSteamy (and Daniel Craig, who also makes an appearance in the word cloud)
I noticed "seal" and "seals" on there! A nod to Arrested Development?
Some of the other awesome stuff I can see:
I loved that. part, very much. Did anyone else see this xkcd comic on the same subject? http://xkcd.com/988/
Please? Please?!! PLEAAASSEEE??!?! This show is really beautiful, and a really good match for the kind of criticism that this site does.
I really have been enjoying this show, and I totally hate to be That Guy, but the lack of Chicago-ness in the Chicago setting makes me crazy at least once a week. Food trucks everywhere? Wearing just a hoodie to a Bears game? AARRGGH! I die. I have a similar struggle with The League. That said, Max's Chicago accent…
Chang as the understudy, dressed like Jeff playing the Dean, following a few steps behind Jeff with pensive body language and crossed arms was the first thing that made me think of Synecdoche, NY (a movie I absolutely adore). It plucked just the right strings for me.
I love that you can track Adam Scott's character's integration with the rest of the crew through his interactions with Jerry. At least as I remember it, in his first few episodes, he throws some WTF reactions at the way the office treats Jerry, but by the end of this season, he's right there with them, rolling his…