
I know what you mean. Part of what I like about the character is the balance she strikes between being a fundamentally carnal animal and… well, a sweetheart. Bo is essentially a kind of sexual predator in nature, but she's also gutsy, selfless, loyal and compassionate, and those two elements aren't mutually exclusive.

Anna Silk mentioned it in an interview a while back, so she's noticed it too.

Double bloody post, lol.

Polite even.

Inadvertently hilarious comment.

No guy-guy hook ups, but as noted, there aren't any central gay characters as yet. Besides which, threesome aside, there have only actually been two girl-girl sex scenes, one of which was absolutely plot critical and both of which added something to the character relationships.

I like this show an awful lot, but I do feel it's lost a bit of its personality since SyFy got involved for S2. There's a bit less sex, which is fine, it kind of makes sense at that point in the show's arc, but the swearing, drinking and less tangible general Canadianness seems to have been muted a lot to polish


I'd go so far as to say it's one of the best same sex romances on TV at the minute. Hope AV Club are going to cover it in future, because I really don't think there's anything else quite like them on TV at the minute. "Romance" is the operative word too, it's definitely a slow burn and there are plenty of obstacles

He's kind of sweet, really.
I like the guy a lot. I think you're doing him a disservice to describe him as dispassionate or depressed. I actually think he's hit a kind of zen that most of us will never even approach. He lives in the now.

I like yer reasonin', but I disagree on one point. I'm not a huge Nirvana fan, but I disagree with the idea that Hendrix could have swapped in for Cobain quite so imperceptibly. Music is not a science, it's an art, and supreme technical proficiency is only one route to the goal. Although *technically* yes, Hendrix was

I read an excellent piece about her once that I can't find now, but the writer suggested that because she's a woman who doesn't act like an idiot, comedy can't quite figure out what to do with her, so she ends up in weird roles.

God help me…
… I just can't hate Charlie Sheen. A world without him would be so much poorer. I love the fact that the fictional character of him can only ever be a feebly diluted version of the real deal.

I'm pretty sure Stoute's original letter was so obviously and absurdly dumb that it didn't really warrant a response. Arcade Fire have nothing to prove, Grammy or no.