
Oh, CHRIST, mbs is back??!!! More days of comment boards filling up with EVERY COMMENT REPLIED TO. He was banned for a while, right? mbs, you OCD mofo, calm the fuck down. Like, 30 comments a day should be plenty, right?…..Right?

Oh, CHRIST, mbs is back??!!! More days of comment boards filling up with EVERY COMMENT REPLIED TO. He was banned for a while, right? mbs, you OCD mofo, calm the fuck down. Like, 30 comments a day should be plenty, right?…..Right?

"It ticks off all the neo-noir boxes…"
Great write-up, Scott, but you have got to be more responsible with your phrasing. I can barely restrain my inner 12 year old bastard from writing something tasteless…

"It ticks off all the neo-noir boxes…"
Great write-up, Scott, but you have got to be more responsible with your phrasing. I can barely restrain my inner 12 year old bastard from writing something tasteless…

I think you missed some key moments in Best in Show, Claire. Fred Willard is gloriously fucking filthy in that film, god bless him.

I think you missed some key moments in Best in Show, Claire. Fred Willard is gloriously fucking filthy in that film, god bless him.

No laugh track. NO LAUGH TRACK!! That's fantastic. While I love the show dearly, the braying laughter just pulled me right back out. At times it makes sense, and almost feels like a parody, but too often it's the same whooping bullshit response I expect in Married…with Children ( which I also enjoy and where the laugh

No laugh track. NO LAUGH TRACK!! That's fantastic. While I love the show dearly, the braying laughter just pulled me right back out. At times it makes sense, and almost feels like a parody, but too often it's the same whooping bullshit response I expect in Married…with Children ( which I also enjoy and where the laugh

What is this shit

What is this shit

"…the Internet sure looks a lot like a battered woman."

"…the Internet sure looks a lot like a battered woman."

Psy's not "that weird dude". He's been doing this shit for years. A kind of creative goofball which is a breath of fresh air from a country soaking in derivative K-pop. Fun, anthemic rock that, unfortunately often turns to lame histrionic patriotism whenever an Olympics/World Cup comes around. Hopefully, he'll ignore

Psy's not "that weird dude". He's been doing this shit for years. A kind of creative goofball which is a breath of fresh air from a country soaking in derivative K-pop. Fun, anthemic rock that, unfortunately often turns to lame histrionic patriotism whenever an Olympics/World Cup comes around. Hopefully, he'll ignore

Caught 21 Jump Street. Joyful, goofy fun. 
Then took a look at The Dictator with my wife and we mutually agreed to turn it off after 25 minutes. Absolutely dreadful. Yeah, yeah Duck Soup comparisons ring true, but every ham-fisted social commentary gag after the excellent 10 minute intro was deadly lame. Very

Caught 21 Jump Street. Joyful, goofy fun. 
Then took a look at The Dictator with my wife and we mutually agreed to turn it off after 25 minutes. Absolutely dreadful. Yeah, yeah Duck Soup comparisons ring true, but every ham-fisted social commentary gag after the excellent 10 minute intro was deadly lame. Very

Wow, all these humorless, miserable commenters have cemented my appreciation for Klausner's dry wit and self-deprecation. Thanks y'all!

Wow, all these humorless, miserable commenters have cemented my appreciation for Klausner's dry wit and self-deprecation. Thanks y'all!

Sooo, the only time Sean produces something fairly sincere is in a Dan Harmon write-up. Sigh.

Sooo, the only time Sean produces something fairly sincere is in a Dan Harmon write-up. Sigh.