
Not in a private academy in Korea. We don't dwell on the sexual moments but focus more on the rationales for his fantasies aboard the Traffy spaceship. Kids were game for it and enjoyed tracing the threads between plotlines. The only text I had to do a LOT of editing on was The Bluest Eye.

Not in a private academy in Korea. We don't dwell on the sexual moments but focus more on the rationales for his fantasies aboard the Traffy spaceship. Kids were game for it and enjoyed tracing the threads between plotlines. The only text I had to do a LOT of editing on was The Bluest Eye.

Introduced my wife to Boogie Nights. So many great performances. Probably her favorite of P.T. Anderson's films, next to There Will be Blood. I am hoping The Master gets a release here…

Introduced my wife to Boogie Nights. So many great performances. Probably her favorite of P.T. Anderson's films, next to There Will be Blood. I am hoping The Master gets a release here…

Sorry, he's just an angry, tiny racist that is neither interesting or funny. Loved Lucky Louie, but he just stinks up the joint with his faux-provocateur stance.

Sorry, he's just an angry, tiny racist that is neither interesting or funny. Loved Lucky Louie, but he just stinks up the joint with his faux-provocateur stance.

Quiet, douche. Anybody ex-WC is ex-joy. So there.

Quiet, douche. Anybody ex-WC is ex-joy. So there.

Exactly. If she does not get/dig the show, then she honestly is not part of the crowd that would actually enjoy it. Not to mention Two Charted, which is quickly becoming one of my favorites…

Exactly. If she does not get/dig the show, then she honestly is not part of the crowd that would actually enjoy it. Not to mention Two Charted, which is quickly becoming one of my favorites…

So Jennifer Lawrence can play a high school student, as well as a romantic interest for Fassbender and Cooper? Creepy.

So Jennifer Lawrence can play a high school student, as well as a romantic interest for Fassbender and Cooper? Creepy.

Maggie Serota is rating Who Charted? Best Show guest host and Low Times contributor Maggie Serota? And she doesn't care for Howard and Kulap's banter? That's depressing…

Maggie Serota is rating Who Charted? Best Show guest host and Low Times contributor Maggie Serota? And she doesn't care for Howard and Kulap's banter? That's depressing…

Right on. Love the write-ups. I'm curious, what do you think of the last couple seasons? There's a huge tonal shift, and the final episode itself was just painful to watch *spoiler*(The Chris/Maggie romance just rang false) but there were a lot of true moments as well.

Right on. Love the write-ups. I'm curious, what do you think of the last couple seasons? There's a huge tonal shift, and the final episode itself was just painful to watch *spoiler*(The Chris/Maggie romance just rang false) but there were a lot of true moments as well.

I'm glad to see Northern Exposure in there. Love the episode where he meets his Korean son. Sad and sweet.

I'm glad to see Northern Exposure in there. Love the episode where he meets his Korean son. Sad and sweet.

Soderbergh!! Tatum in charming lummox mode!! Yay!! Can't wait for……

Soderbergh!! Tatum in charming lummox mode!! Yay!! Can't wait for……