
How about fictional art that goes beyond? Shadow Hearts: From the New World has you dealing with a giant cat gangster and all of a sudden you get an adorable mariachi performance by Capone's sister's boyfriend. Comes out of left field in a game that's full of pleasant weirdness. I love you, Shadow Hearts.

The Raid finally comes to Korea! Booked it this weekend, catching it Wednesday. 
Reading Terry Pratchett's Snuff. The Vimes stories are always the most personal and all things considered, every insight is pretty fucking poignant from here on out.
Also wrapping up Gibson's Count Zero for the first time. Actually read

The Raid finally comes to Korea! Booked it this weekend, catching it Wednesday. 
Reading Terry Pratchett's Snuff. The Vimes stories are always the most personal and all things considered, every insight is pretty fucking poignant from here on out.
Also wrapping up Gibson's Count Zero for the first time. Actually read

The original anime and a lot of the movies were great fun. The early Monkey Punch comics were fine as well, but there was this one where he snickers as he, through a CCTV system, watches a woman get raped. Not cool, Lupin.

I've just been skimming through the first mangas. Forgot how misogynistic the early ones were. Always loved the style though. Murakami's version of Lupin-lite in Castle of Cagliostro remains one of my treasured memories.

No questions about loosely appropriating other cultures to make generic martial arts animation limited by choppy Korean animation?

Stay frosty.

Wow. I don't know if I can get over the ridiculous aesthetic to appreciate it's presience (is this not a word?) Great write-up. It's always more interesting to see a contemplative assessment instead of a snarkfest.

Ed O'Neill and Katey Sagal are holding up just fine. More power to both of them and Christ, does that show bring me back. Definitely built in an age where a live audience could carry a program, for better or worse.

Great write-up. That Life with Lucy show sounds morbidly depressing. Did they actually get her to TRY any physical comedy or was she built up as a completely different archetype?

And I am aware that raw octopus is FUCKING DELICIOUS. 
     In Busan, Korea they have these wonderful little markets where you can order up this octopus in a chili sauce with mint leaves, scallions and assorted vegetables. You grill and mix quickly and the tentacles still twitch a bit in your mouth bit it's damn tasty

Isn't this representative of Beat in general? Pretentious, self-absorbed, lamely attempting to be witty/profound…

Egolessness. Huh. Looked it up, it's an actual word.

This sounds fantastic. Van Peebles in the director's chair means it's at least interesting. Sincerity goes a LONG way today in a film like this.

Did Fast Five in 4D at an Imax in Korea. 2 hour roller coaster filled with the stink of diesel and cheap perfume for the beach scenes. Back of my seat thumped me every time Chunky Babyface Diesel clocked Roided Sweaty Johnson. Fucking Rad.

Yeah, cosplay is terrible.

I'm fine with it if it has a social basis. People can dick around together in whatever way they want, be it Comic-Con.

Holy Shit. That Illusive Man has never held a cig in his life. That's adorable. 
I didn't realize Mass Effect had come this far. I wanna Thane chestplate. Motherfucker's sexy.

Absolutely beautiful. Cronenberg always dishes the creepy sex. Yay.

Wow. Looks like somebody needs to be punched in the fucking face.