
"but in 21 Jump Street, the big-screen remake of the ’80s Fox TV drama of the same name, their strengths complement each other perfectly."

Christ, how have I not seen this? Everything you've said rings true as far as what Spike Lee has consistently produced. Definitely picking this up now.

Early on they had quite a few women as guests but they seem to have petered out. A bit too much talk about who Kremer is fucking/has fucked these days. On the other hand, I am finding Two Charted incredibly endearing. Two amiable, clever people just shooting the shit for an hour. Nice.

Hard Target is glorious. Maggie and the snarky nostalgia machine Rewatchability can go screw. It's not most remembered for your lameass gif. It's remembered because it's got Brimley on a fucking horse blowing shit up and Woo's glorious action style. Boo to snarky whiners. Fresh spin on Episode 1? huh?

Wow. I am surprised. I thought A Taylor Kitsch sci-fi epic would be bland as hell, regardless of the quality of the source material. Didn't know that the man behind "Wall-E" would be directing. Definitely going to give this a shot. THIS is the reason I love AV Club. Convincing me to give shots to films I instictively

Topher: The Return of the Smarmy Attention-Starved Douche: The Awakening.

How about you guys start a column called "Appropriating ZMF?" That should clear things up.

Ah, Nocturne. That and Digital Devil Saga are a few of those games that I always wanted to try but never got around to. Ever play Maken X, the SMT 1st-person brawler (what is my kick today with 1st-person brawlers?)? It's on Dreamcast, and I believe it was also published by Atlus back in the day.

@avclub-0aa1883c6411f7873cb83dacb17b0afc:disqus Yeah, the first hour of Breakdown is basically a wade through non-descript corridors, but once you gets used to the mechanics, it has builds well considering the time and the engine. What made it worth it was a huge twist two thirds through the game where the gameplay is

So, at this point, Marah is the representative for the Nickolodeon nostalgia division?

VERY happy about the promotion. Shenmue remains one of my abiding favorites, but it also seemed to be the death knell for new, innovative games. I like what Nagoshi is bringing to the table

Wow. I hadn't even heard of this. From the makers of Yakuza? A squad shooter? Sold. and Flabbergasted.

Man. It's such a gift to get this at the end of the DS' lifespan. Basically sums up what's best about the system; clean interface, great soundtrack, and tons of personality. This is exactly what a sequel should be: a cleaner production that retains all the elements that people loved about the first one.

Goddamit, can't a guy get a sentient monkey remake? I know Rise of the Planet of the Apes was  made, but there was a decided lack of Broderick…

Wow. Yet another tirade that has zero percent to do with the actual product than their personal vendetta against anime/anime-games. I don't know what nonsensical anime with "unforgivably low production levels"(?) did you wrong, but, @Afghamistam,  you might want to turn your self-entitlement down a notch and find

I guess price is an issue for some, but, just like music and entertainment, I feel that unique products like this could use as much support as possible, what with the Japanese industry collapsing. People are going to lambast it for not matching a certain model, but wait in five or six years when everything is a

Yay! Cronenberg and Jonze. Who wrote up Crash? It feels like a Scott or a Keith. Also, the coolings down of childhood for the WTWTA write-up was spot on. Nice inventory.

And big cinematic moments are often limited gameplay experiences. Doesn't have to be, but is it really that big of a problem? I really can't understand why people can't just roll with the cinematic moments. Is this going to be one of the best games I ever played? Probably not, but it damn sure looks fun, unique and

"It’s an elixir for only the most obsessive fans of anime storytelling and unusual game design."
Unusual game design-yes please.
Obsessive anime blah blah blah- Obligatory reductive generalization about Japanese games, so, yes please.