
Kinda funny but. . .
cannot compare to X-E's Jone's soda reviews.

Designer Scrubs
The very concept of "designer scrubs" reveals so much stupidity. Do people know WHY nurses/techs wear scrubs? It's because they come into contact with all sorts of unpleasant bodily fluids on a regular basis. "Designer scrubs."

Laura was Linda on Home Movies. Brendon's dad's girlfriend. God I loved that show.

Cannonball Adderly: I've gotta agree. I feel a little dirty laughing it, but it's pretty hysterical. "Buttfuckery" has never had better context.

It's funny — most of the problem lies in health care.

Little Harsh
Maybe I'm too forgiving, but Bee Season and Stardust? Really? You couldn't come up with worse adaptations to fill a "worst 20" list?

Feist — Inside and Out.

Markie Mark just owned that movie. Every scene he was in he stole. The guy was hilarious.

Best Chips
Kettle Chips, Honey Dijon.

Okay, so how do you make your Breckini?

Yeah, Mass Effect was the one I was thinking of. And yeah, I heard Bioshock is awesome too. Turns out that spur of the moment 360 purchase wasn't so bad after all — most of the games I want are coming out for it.

I wish I had time to play games. I bought a 360 maybe two weeks ago (I admit with some embarrassment that I bought it mostly for Halo), but there are a ton of good games out for it. Between Halo, Orange Box, the BioWare game I can't remember, and Ninja Gaiden (when it comes out). . . I wish to god I had time to