
Near… Far… WhereeeEEEEEvverr you areeeee…

I remember renting Titanic and only getting the first tape. Apparently they had a lot of people who would forget about the second one and never return it

It was pretty much like that, but with more drunk people

In terms of it's broad appeal and ticket sales, it wins over all of those. Even if they're better films

It's a great "movie night" kinda movie. Especially if someone hasn't seen it in a long time

It had such broad appeal to every demographic. There really aren't any other "true stories" that combined a love story, disaster movie and historical non-fiction into one

It's the ultimate genre piece pretty much. If you take out the modern stuff at the beginning its a pretty timeless movie

I'm sorry you chose Titanic as your hill to die on…

In terms of it's pop-cultural impact and cinematic quality, Titanic is probably the greatest "movie" ever made. If you wanted to show an alien a movie that best summed up what the Hollywood film industry is, show it Titanic.

Definitely wasn't as good as the first season. But it's still the best comedy Netflix has done this year

I blame everything on the Pilgrim generation. Those over religious jerks ruined everything

Isn't Netflix severely in debt?

A lot of this wouldn't be happening if Marvel were allowed to use the X-Men

The Chris Quadfecta

Dax Shepard randomly appearing in various TV shows and movies is my favorite thing about him

No, you mean Chris Evans!

I like her sitcom "Mom" a lot. Shes great in that.

I dont want to believe that getting hot and very famous means dumping your wife for a new one, but that's probably a part of it.

Anna Farris stars in: Awful Space Movie!

9/11: The perfect excuse for anything