
Its embarrassing when Oldboy doesn't win, its humiliating when Fahrenheit 9/11 wins instead.

I think Martin is setting up a parallel between Doran and Ned Stark's father as Game players whose masterful schemes were undone by chance.  Rickard Stark made masterful marriage treaties to build an anti-Targaryan alliance, but his daughter disappeared with the crown prince, his heir was arrested, and they both ended

@Meitnerium Carice van Houten, who plays the main pagan/witch in Black Death, will be playing Melisandre.

Does this take place in the same universe as Thunderer/Gears of the City, or is it a whole new world?

Second the love for The Best of Youth HAL-9000, its only movie in recent memory that made me cry.

LA Confidential the film was a lot better than the book, which went off the rails at about the halfway point.