Taras Bul-B-Q

I always believed (even before the novel/film 2010 came out) that HAL suffered a neurosis (I'm not a psychiatrist, but I'm playing one on this site) due to the conflict in his programming. One the one hand, he was a member of the crew-as they say, probably the most important member, since he was responsible for their

I'd like to second Loose Stool above on Jack Nicholson. I remember at the beginning of "The Departed" thinking that we'd finally see a restrained performance, but then "crazy Jack" appeared, and it was off to the races. What really irked me is that Scorsese, wonderful director that he is, said that he actually

Not really an Altman fan, but a point of order on wallflower's post above:
The word, "fucking" cannot appear between the words, "John" and "Grisham". "John Motherfucker Grisham" is, however, acceptable.

I'd rather see
Bad Lieutenant: POCONO