toran zaylor

I've been noticing a trend around here lately - A lot of people who are supposedly 30 or older whipping out this old chestnut: "Y'see, the young'uns ain't done nuthin' with their lives yet, so they use popular junk to make 'emselves feel all big and important-like, but we old coots, we git 'er done an' to hell with

A couple of minor examples of where they got it right:
Her Fox & Friends character was a great, compelling idiot. Her actual lines were above-average at best, but her performance was something else: a spot-on impression of that sort of person we've all met at some point who is so resolutely serious, sincere and

Upon receiving the news that Anna Kendrick was going to host SNL, my immediate, instinctive, fully-formed first thought was: Wow, I'm really excited for the eventual second time she hosts, where they fix all the terrible, terrible mistakes they're going to make with this one.
Anna Kendrick exists in that weird

(Okay, one more quick idiot thing - Adding a profile picture. There is absolutely no clear instruction on how to do this. Please enlighten me. No, seriously, this Disqus Account thing is VERY contrived and irritating…)

Update: Okay, never mind, your server wasn't TOO screwy, just a wee bit slow. All is forgiven. But still….."maiyng".