
Wait, hang on. Captain Essen? Not Loeb or Branden?

If you don't care for Queen, why are you commenting?

My first one was Sheer Heart Attack. Love it to pieces. Second was A Night at the Opera. Also fantastic. After that I got their self titled debut and A Day at the Races. I don't think I went wrong anywhere.

I'm not a sports fan, so I'd go for the most inappropriate song I could find. Either "Lark's Tongue in Aspic Pt.2" by King Crimson or "O Superman" by Laurie Anderson. Anything to make the people twist their eyebrows and go "….huh?!".

There is one benefit to the rom-sitcom. The problem with rom-com movies is they make relationships look easy. Or difficult if you're an idiot. I remember Roger Ebert saying many rom-coms depend on everyone in the movie being complete idiots.

Kinda late in the game, but here's my list
Star Trek 2: Wrath of Kahn: Spock.

I think ragging on Lindsay has become a bit of an overused device to pad reviews. Has she actually done anything recently that's worth criticizing? I'm not a Lohan fan, but I'm not going out of my way to rip her a new one, either.

Here's my list
The Three Stooges
The Dark Crystal
The Princess Bride
Neverending Story
The original "Transformers" (if only for the villain banter)
Batman : The Animated Series
The Kids in the Hall
Dr. Seuss
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
old Doctor Who (Tom Baker fans, represent!)

Agree with Rabin
I, too, feel old when I see familiar stores and businesses going belly-up. I remember when I used to walk a little under a mile to my neighborhood Blockbuster with my friend, rent a couple bizarre movies, and I get a box of Sour Patch Kids while he gets two boxes of Mike n' Ikes. And now that store,

If you're all going to criticize the validity of Cybermen and Daleks as being cyborgs, then that also negates Brainiac in the staff's list, since according to the description above, he started out as human and gradually replaced himself with metal parts.

Michael Bay, Ashton Kutcher, and Judd Apatow
The first two I would hope need no explanation. But I'm just so goddamn sick of the Apatow hype. I hated "The 40 Year Old Virgin", and it's not because I am one, contrary to popular belief. It's because it's not funny and laughing at someone for being a virgin is a

After hanging out with a Led Zeppelin fanatic, I personally hate the band so much that, if somehow, poisoning half pints of milk sent to elementary schools would rid the band from my memory, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Call me what you will, but while Goodfellas is my favorite mob movie, I'd have to say my favorite Scorsese is Taxi Driver. THAT gives him a pass in my book!

My nominee
Bill Murray. He was great on Saturday Night Live, he was great in Ghostbusters, Caddyshack, Stripes, and Groundhog Day, and he even did great things with Wes Anderson.

Another, but not full-blown tears
Another was that moment in "Return of the King" when Aragorn is finally wearing his crown, he's got his Elven bride, and everyone is bowing or saluting him, and he finally comes to the hobbits, who feel out of place. So they begin to bow, and Aragorn just says, "My friends…you bow to

Call me a geek…
…but one movie that made me cry—even just a few years ago—was Osamu Tezuka's "Metropolis". An anime! But there was something so ridiculously sad about the way the robot Tima, regaining her previous, kind personality, and her skin becoming torn and falling apart, and Kenichi desperately trying to hold

Some of my wishful thinking experiences
To an extent, there's a lot of experiences I don't feel the need to experience again for the first time because I remember my first time experiencing them and that's good enough for me. Naturally, any good mystery movie would be good, because they just aren't mysteries the

RE: Let the weekly Bataglia slams begin …
I doubt this'll get read, but I'll opine anyway. I'm one of the select few members of humanity that didn't like "The 40 Year Old Virgin". I saw that movie baked off my ass on pot and I STILL didn't laugh more than a chuckle. I just don't think it's funny for someone to be a