
sure, but can't people who enjoy critiquing and analyzing the internal logic in their favourite TV shows just be left to do their thing without being called out?

DUDES, NO MENTION OF MASH!? But Colonel Potter! And BJ!

Can't wait for the new Block and Tackles!

I love following TV! While I think this season is poorly done, I enjoy reading reviews and criticisms of it. I've also got lots of friends who watch it, so we all talk about it week-to-week.

I actually think the reviewers have been overly kind the last few weeks.

And what were they watching the transponder with? And how accurate is that transponder that they could see her running around up stairs and know that she was going to come out that side door?

Oh, they blew up over Germany somewhere. Boom.

And maybe it's just me, but for me, the Beatles started something of a "British Invasion."

Really, really well said.

I have heard people say elsewhere that the last scene is cheap, but I strongly disagree. The first time I saw that scene it devastated me. Who doesn't day dream? Prematurely playing out a scenario as you want it to happen, only to be disappointed?

It took everything I had to win 23-22

In grade 8 I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey in my science class. I can't imagine I understood what was going on, but I remember that class fondly. When I got older it became one of my all-time favourites, and I'm sure I have Mr. Coulson to thank for that.

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