Shit, just give them the award already.
Shit, just give them the award already.
And what happens to the other 4 shows that don't win? Do they stay on the ballot for next year or do they get pushed aside?
We rest on Sundays.
I didn't know how easy it was to fall into ethnic cleansing.
I heard a Muslim climbed through the sewers into a guy's toilet once!!
First Nixon and now, Cobain??!!
I think it would work if it was just never shown on screen again, but the admit they used to do it all the time sometime in the future….like Jeff and Britta in Season 2 of Community.
That's the technical description, yes.
Well, it's not illegal to fuck them because they're ugly. It's illegal to fuck them because they aren't real people yet.
Frank and Charlie have like….Brian and Stewie chemistry. This show is far superior to Family Guy, obviously but Stewie only ever makes me laugh when he's with Brian and the same is kind of true about Frank and Charlie.
It would have been awesome if Lloyd was Froggy.
Me and my friends have Patron characters's just based on character traits and personal relationships. It's like us in the darkest timelines of our existence…we don't have a Dennis though.
And a whole lot of great nothing else…cept for Honk Kong Fooey.
..his name is Troy.
Do you not like it though? I was a big fan of them in my early 20's but, that's the only song that really sticks with me nowadays. Also, Alice in Chains bums me out completely. I can't listen to em anymore.
Of all the movies you could have quoted. Seriously, that quote is the only good part about that movie apart from Chris Farley.
Even a piece of shit is right twice a day.
They're actually quite good as far as post-grunge goes…which basically means that they weren't aping anybody's style or making homophobic, sexist songs.
I'm okay with them and Cold and…parts of Mudvayne.
(I might be talking about nu metal)
I thought I liked him but, then I learned that Boyz in the Hood was made by somebody else.