Knowing them, everything except War Games.
Knowing them, everything except War Games.
I think it's a mistake to expect an "all or nothing" policy on offensive humor. Nothing should be off limits, true, but, you, as a fan, aren't obligated to like the dead baby joke just because you laughed at the racist joke. That doesn't make you a horrible person or a person with no sense of humor. If it hits a…
Do you know what kind of world we live in?
Oh my god, me too! It looks like they have the same eyes an everything!
Yea but, we don't see him often.
I wonder if most of the classic nicktoons or cartoon cartoons would fall into the 4th-5th grade range? Along with the classic cartoons from the 80's, I guess.
But I'm okay, right?
Maybe since this has been getting a lot of comments, they'll end up doing another list.
You're never cold with mutton chops!
That show is definitely the first time my favorite character in a cartoon was the mother.
Part of me thinks it would be better to not coddle them and protect them from shows like that.
Always good to hear that somebody is raising their kids up with the good cartoons!
Oh, and congrats on your successful spawning!
"Hey Hey. You You. Get offa my plane!"
I wasn't an immigrant but, yea.
I pretty much only hated his neighbors.
I had heard people like you existed but, I had never seen one in real life.
Don't listen to him. He's Osiris. We don't even remember what he was god of.
Most false accusations fall apart pretty easily. I remember reading somebody's biography where he was accused of raping somebody in Seattle on the night he was out performing in Toronto.
I would get my ass beat by a woman…in most cases, even if I was trying to fight back.