
Walkt's back living at home, which I guess is a small victory because he wanted that all of last season. Of course the way it happened…

The shoveling thing
I don't quite get it. Can someone explain what Jesse was pretending to shovel for and why Tucker would be willing to keep shoveling for it. Or did Jesse just know that if he acted like he was going for something with enough of a sense of purpose that he could get Tucker to go along with it because

KeHeTeh is totally right. I saw them a few years ago in NJ and they played mother fucking Beacon Light. My head almost exploded.

Green: We should have told him.

"You lure men to their deaths like a spider with flies."

'Hey Sugar Ray Leonard eats on the house."
Like the best line from that episode, after George gets his comeuppance he's tortured by the universe showing him that his initial comment wasn't so bad after all.

Oh, cat in the wall. Now you're speaking my language.

@NNP so true. As soon as that story line was started the first thing I thought was "Simpsons did it"

Malory's eyepatch
One off joke, or teasing a furture Malory backstory down the road? I'm inclined to go with the latter. I'm not so much interested in why she is where an eyepatch as much as why she is not anymore.

Depp's best performance?
I've long thought so. I can't think of any movie where he is any better. Anyone agree?

I know. Stranger still that Frank doesn't appear until the very end of the season (and that originally is wasn't even Jerry Stiller.) We get a heavy dose of them in Season 5 though to make up for their prolonged absence early on.

Well it is, but the fact that it comes out of nowhere twice within a 3 minute window is also part of the gag.

George's mom appears next week!
Can't wait. As great as the show is at this point, it really is brought to a whole new level once Frank and Estelle become recurring characters.

Well I caved, I mean I really had to use their bathroom. Frank, no offense but this holiday is a bit… out there.

What I love about the Snapple gag is how obvious the placement is, with Snapple being offered in the most abrupt spots in the dialog, and yet the labels aren't even on bottles.