
DC: Nothing will top this here Justice League trailer!

"The key is: LOGOS. Kids love logos!!"
-DC exec

Kneel before Loki!

I know but he died. It was in the newspaper headlines and everything.

Nope, Nick Fury.

"I have to go now. My cinematic universe needs me."

JLA Origins: Wonder Woman

no, cuz he died.

I know, right? Exactly. What a major oversight. But, sigh. Whats done is done. Guess we just have to make the best of it.

That's before the Tony Stark re-design.

I can see him saying that after Batman and Robin maybe.

Zach Snyder is the Rob Liefeld of comic book movie directors.

Fuck you, JK. You don't trust spider-man because he wears a mask but suddenly you're all buddy-buddy with batman? Bullshit, bro.

You'd think billionaire Batman would make Flash a new suit, like some other billionaire superheros have been known to do.

And Aquaman should put a shirt on. Won't someone please think of the children?!

Calling it now, first scene:

It's so sad that Superman won't be in this movie. I mean, I understand, he died in the last one, so what can you do? It's just a shame, that's all. I'll go see it and whatever, but it will be kind of a hollow and empty experience knowing Superman won't in it. He was such a big part of the Justice League. So

Shouldn't the other Justice Leaguers be like 'Why are we listening to Batman? Wasn't he the guy who was completely wrong about Superman?'

Of course he's not in this movie. He DIED in the last one. Don't you remember?
Look, I don't like it either but obviously, if he's dead, he can't be in this movie. It wouldn't make any sense.

me too for that matter.