
That shot of Aquaman falling through a building and sliding across the ground looks like the exact same move Doomsday pulled in the Batman/Superman trailer.

Finally! A humorous comment on the fact that Batman often disappears abruptly!! And here I thought I was the only one who noticed!!

So Tim Burton's wind-up penguin bombs are cannon in this universe, huh?

"Superman was a beacon of hope to this world, he made everyone see the best in themselves."

I appreciate you trying to cheer me up by implying that Superman may somehow "magically" appear in the Justice League movie. It's a nice thought, but come on. I think we all know better than that. He died at the end of the last movie and that's that. Life goes on. :(

I thought it was season 9 episode 11 of a show without a title.

"Based on Actual Events…"

It's so sad that Superman won't be in this movie. I mean, I understand, he died in the last one, so what can you do? It's just a shame, that's all. I'll go see it and whatever, but it will be kind of a hollow and empty experience knowing Superman won't in it. He was such a big part of the Justice League. So

"You can't save the world alone."

I have no problem with the casting, it's the concept. A spider-Man movie without spider-man?

and that was more than enough.

I think in Ultimate Spider Man, Venom started off as a cure for cancer. That's the way they'd have to go.

I have to go now. My studio cinematic universe needs me.

Yeah, it seems the deal changed with Amazing Spider Man 2 underperformed and Sony sold the rights to Marvel - possibly on a temporary basis. As usual with Spidey, it's all a very tangled web: https://moviepilot.com/post…

So this Venom movie will likely tie into the 'Afterlife Punisher' universe.

They invented Venom after they used up all the good ideas for super-villains.

Y'know, for kids!
But not really!

You know what else they should do? A dark, Cronenbergian body-horror version of The Fantastic Four

This is a dumb idea, even for Hollywood.

I'm no Trump fan, but this seemed story seems needlessly dick-ish.